Wow. Anniverseries.

There are so many epic anniverseries this year, I am not sure where to began.

Okay. I actually do know where to began…

Pride and Prejudice

The most beloved love story of all time. The book that makes everyone(erh, I actually don’t) long for a Mr. Darcy. The book that has one of the most amusing cast of characters. The book that uses hardly any description, which really boosts my ‘how I do on description’ esteem. Because, hey, everyone loves Pride and Prejudice and no one knows what Lizzie looks like.

But enough of that.

I first became acquainted with Lizzie Bennett when I was…four? Five? I just always remember watching the BBC miniseries, and eating tea sandwiches.

Man. I need to eat more of those. They are delicious.

To say I can quote Pride and Prejudice is probably true. We’re kind of big on Pride and Prejudice in my family. There are three woman after all in this family, but really, gender doesn’t matter in who likes it.

I read the book when I was thirteen–it was a easy read, really. Not all of Austen’s are. Emma was harder to get through, but at the same time it wasn’t…stiff or too different. That’s the beauty of Austen. We may be flying cars in the sky someday, and calling the moon our playground, but she will still speak of people, real people, that fit into empire waist dresses , jeans and a t-shirt, or a shiny futuristic outfit.

Lizzie is easily a modern woman, as demonstrated by the Lizzie Bennett diaries. Emma could easily reside on Tumblr. Catherine would read Twilight.

Pride and Prejudice is timeless. It always will be.

Doctor Who

I’m not entirely sure whats going on here.

Ah, Doctor Who. It’s 50th year is in 2013 and the Whovians are in a frenzy.

Well. I’m not sure if we’re in a frenzy. But we are excited. Very excited. I mean, David Tennant is coming back after all! And Tennant pretty much is a fan’s inspiration…he always wanted to play the Doctor, and he ended up doing so, as well is marrying his favorite Doctor’s daughter. I am not kidding.

For those of you who don’t know, Doctor Who is a science fiction show about an alien who travels through time and space in a police call box that is really infinite space ship. The space ship also happens to be alive, and slightly insane. He also regenerates aka changes bodies every so often.

Basically it’s kind of a quirky show that is really easy to start obsessing over. It has the potential to be timeless. Especially in Britain. I mean, if you call during Doctor Who the person on the other line is bound to yell at you.

It’s that popular.

The Doctor has had eleven bodies by now. The First was a grumpy older man(and he thinks he is dignified) who really got the essence of the Doctor. He is the first Doctor, the one who laid the path for the other Doctors.

Right now we have Eleven, who is a loveable goof ball that has a lot of limbs. Kiss him and they shall flair. All about.

People love Doctor Who because…there is usually something fun in it.    There is humor, adventure, and a man in a box who is utterly mad but at the same time, utterly sane. And then sometimes there is no fun, and we all have a lot of feels. And then we’re mad at it.

I started watching him in 2010. I first watched a clip with one of the companions appearing in his TARDIS, yelling at him and him uttering confused “Whats?” Then I watched The Unearthly Child, which is the first episode. The unearthly child is, in fact, his granddaughter, Susan. The main Doctors I started with were Hartnell and Tennant, aka One and Ten. I think the first ever I saw of Doctor Who was simply a clip from the end of Doomsday, where Donna appears in the TARDIS and begins to yell at Ten.

Ah. A start of a beautiful friendship. No seriously, it was. Doctor Who is more than just a science fiction show filled with adventures. Yes, that is it’s core, but it also has beautiful friendships, grandparent/parental relationships, and an odd romance thrown in there every so often. And these relationships aren’t just between the Doctor and someone, they are between side characters, or companions.

It’s a pretty amazing show, and I will most likely tear up during the Anniversary special(I almost teared up during The Journey to the Center of the TARDIS after all. Especially if certain people make a surprise appearance.

So, yes. Anniversaries are upon us. Anniversaries of stories I have been  surrounded by since a young child, that I only recently discovered. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did, if you don’t already.

The Award that Tells You That I Am Inspiring

Yep. I am.

Miss Alexandria, a wonderful blogger and steampunker,  gave me a lovely award! Thank you! And you guys should, you know, go follow her.

Le Rules:

1. Display the Award Certificate on your website
2. Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award
3. Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers
4. Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post
5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

Hmm. Seven interesting things…

1. I play the violin. Very basically however, and I hardly ever actually, you know, play it.

2. I have the habit of blanking when I am supposed to name my favorite books,  a certain amount of them, etc. This is happening now.

3.  I’ve written one novel. It seriously needs a lot of revising.

4.  I am most proud of a character that I created in a steampunk roleplay. Edith. I may have mentioned her once or twice.

5. I love history. I am not that good at exact dates, but I love learning about people’s stories, or just…history. It’s fascinating.

6. I love listening to music–all kinds. It inspires me. Yet, I am not that musical.

7. I’m Christian. Non-denominational.


NevilleGirl Her blog is what introduced me to WordPress and the world of blogging, really. So she really deserves this.

Jasmine who I shall be seeing on Sunday! To say I am excited is a understatement.

Elyse  who drew baby Gertra and I am still dying of adorableness.

Orphu Epic blogger and her posts are hilarious.

Kiwi who is very awesome, and a great Nanoer.

Vee who has a very lovely blog!

Ann, who also likes Artemis Fowl! That speaks highly of her awesomeness.

Thay, who has a blog(obviously) and you can not tell how happy that makes me.

Brittani, who was one of the first people I flaired (no, spell check, flaired is a real word) about House of Anubis with.

Sarah, who is epic. Also. SOUFFLES.

Miriam,  who made me feel encouraged about revising/rewriting/second drafting.

Wren, who is very sweet and is a fellow actor!

Jordan, another fellow Nanoer!

Gabrielle, who likes classics and period dramas. Very good taste.