A Shiny Gold Trophy…precious

My wonderful friend Jazzy has give me the the LIEBSTER AWARD. I have another award(the Shine On Blog Award) from the amazing Nevillegirl which I’ll get to soon too. And somewhere along the way I’ll get a regular blog post up. Maybe.

But. On with the award!

  • List 11 random facts about myself
  • Answer 11 questions from the person who nominated me
  • Nominate 11 people for the award, along with 11 questions for them to answer
  • Pass it on to people that have fewer then 200 followers.
1. I got the Downton Abbey scripts yesterday. That makes me happy. Yay for going around the house pretending I’m Daisy, then Edith, then…
2. I like Fullmetal Alchemist Manga/Brotherhood Anime. Random little fact for you.
3. My first real novel, and my first Nano’s main character is a detective.
4. Shift is awesome. It tis a roleplay Jasmine and me are both in. You will hear me reference it.
5. I should be working on a project. But I’m roleplaying and posting here! BE GONE DISTRACTIONS!
6. I have allergies. But one of my friends has more allergies. One of my allergies is mustard. I can die if I eat peanuts. Am I impressing you with my tales of danger?
7.  I published a story on Figment recently. Go check out my Figment page. Yay for shameless self-advertising.
8. I’m braindead here.
9. Gertra is confusing to write when it comes to people flirting with her.
10. *SCRATCHES HEAD* LETS SEE. LETS TURN off caps. Good. Good. I like to chat with people in caps.
11. I’m revising. Revising is fun. *glazed look* Actually, it is kind of fun and I have not done enough to warrant a glazed look.
1. Who was the first character you ever wrote?
Oh my. Um. Annie, I think. She was a sunny little girl that lived in someplace resembling the Swiss Alps and was like a with-parents-and-sisters Heidi that wanted a dog. I want to go back and write her story just for kicks sometime.
2. Favorite weather to write to?
Sun actually. It inspires me. But then rain does too. It sort of depends on the season.
3. Most emotional scene ever written?
Hmm…probably the end of Crime Chasers. If we can include roleplays, then my characters reactions to various deaths.
4. Favorite character in your own stories (or top three if you can’t choose)?
Edith! Edith! Edith! But I really do love her. She started out in a roleplay and now another person and me are writing her and another character’s story.
I really love Edith.
Gertra is my other favorite. Her novel was my first actual novel, longer then 10k. And she’s awesome.
5. Favorite character in other fiction (or top three if you can’t choose)?
Holly Short. Because she’s snarky and kind and just generally awesome. An then we have Anne Shirley. Why? My blog is named after her town….
and then…Deryn from Leviathan. She’s amazing, and from one of the first steampunk books I read.
6. What are some things you’ve taken to saying you picked up from your friends? (Mine are “I kid” and “yep yep”. Guess who I got those from. XD )
I honestly don’t know. I don’t really think I’ve picked that much up. (Elyse? Maybe?)
7. Dream cast for one of your novels?

AnnaSophia Robb as Gertra

Picture made by my awesome friend, Elyse.

I don’t know for Jace and Maurice, the two supporting characters for Crime Chasers. I’ll have to do some research.

8. Pepsi or Coke?
Coke. I’ve never tried Pepsi. Perhaps I should sometime.
9. If you could play one musical instrument, what would it be?
The harp! I would love to be able to play that. I do play the violin however, and it is quite nice.
10. What’s the best thing you can cook?
Let’s see…I bake more then cook. Hmm. Well I make a pretty darn good grilled veggie sandwich.
11. Favorite girl name? Favorite boy name?
Francis and Vaudry. Francis can also be a boy name as well. I also love Anne.
2. Ann.
I actually think some of these blogs might have 200 followers, but I have no way of knowing.

A Meme and New Years Resolutions

So, my friend Nevillegirl did this at her blog. It was originally taken from The Magic Violinist blog, and she originally took it from her Mom’s blog, and…well, I’m going to do it now.

I love it when…people hug me. It gives me a warm, safe feeling.

I can’t sleep when… I’ve watched a movie like The Woman In Black.

I have a phobia of… Corresponding to the answer above, monsters of the night.

I wish I had… um, I don’t really know…a published, paid for, piece of writing I suppose.

I always smile when…  I watch The Nanny.

I need… New Pajamas. Yes. My Hello Kitty ones are getting worn.

I want… Dragonspeak. And a cool singing voice.

I think most people think I am… That quiet and polite girl.

I think strawberries are…   Delicious. Now that I’m not allergic to them any more.

I think I am… A bit of nerd, and childish. A good person, but not perfect.

My best friend thinks I am…  I don’t have a best friend. I do have a group of good friends though?  My friends I know in person probably think I’m quiet, sweet, and a bit awkward. Online– steampunk nerd(okay, everyone probably knows about my love of steampunk), nerd in general, good kind of crazy.

My family thinks I am… ME. I mean, they just know me. And I’m a combination of everything listed above, with added stuff.

I used to wear…  Lots of dresses. I still would, but being a teenager and wearing lots of dresses generally doesn’t work out well for you.

I wish I knew how to cook… dolmas. They’re so good, and I could eat them every day then! Excuse me while I try not to go to crazy at the prospect.

I wish I didn’t…  Develop habits that I have trouble breaking. Oh, and snap at people.

I’m glad I…  Have my family. Am a writer.

The last movie I saw in the theater was…  Les Miserable.

It was… Amazing, to say the least. Now I shall go bawl.

The last movie I saw on TV was.. I only have a TV that you can insert DVDs, etc in. So, the last movie I saw on it…erh…part of Pride and Prejudice? Also, on Netflix, I recently saw Hugo.

It was… Hilarious as usual. They really play Pride and Prejudice for laughs. Hugo was so steampunk that it made my heart do a little flip.

If I had a month off from everything I would… I’m not sure, really. Write more, I guess.

Today I…  Had my eyes examined. Same as last time…(this would be a good time to mention, that I wear contacts. Thats your random fact of the day, kids!)

Yesterday I…  Went to my leadership group’s meeting.

I like… lots of people, lots of things. Love really. Speaking of love, I like love. Or love love. That’s starting to sound confusing.

Well, now for  my New Years Resolutions. Now,  I’m not big on them really. I mean, I don’t usually keep them…at all. So why make them? But, I’m going to make a list anyway…these are more ‘things I hope to accomplish/and ways I hope to better myself’ then ‘New Years Resolutions’.

1. Work on not snapping at people. Yes, I know that I need to work on this.

2. Participate in FAWM. February Album Writing Month. I am writing a musical, so this should be a good resource, whether I use it for that or not.

3. Get a good solid plan(at least) for my dystopian novel. I’m obsessing a bit about it, but I’ll regret it if I stop obsessing. Or maybe that’s just me obsessing.

4. Stop wishing that fictional roleplay character was real so I could date him. This is one I’ll fail at.

5. Meet a published author. I wish it could be Eoin Colfer. Maybe. Maybe he’ll go on tour near me.

6. Get a short story, poem, etc published. Oh, I hope so.

So, there you are! Happy 2013 ya all! I love you all. ❤

Also, I hope to get the review(as it won the poll) of The Infernal Devices: The Clockwork Angel published soon.

“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”